Have an Account?
You must login or create an account to register for programs.
Spring registration will open online on Saturday, April 5th at 9 am. Out of club Starskaters wishing to skate with the club for the spring season must wait until April 12 to register for a Starskate program.
Please ensure that all Starskaters register for the session(s) for which they are qualified. Qualifications, fees, schedules and program descriptions can be found on the main registration page at: https://bfsc.uplifterinc.com/
If a program is full when you wish to register, feel free to add your name to a waitlist. The online system will notify you automatically IF a spot becomes available.
A non-refundable Skate Canada fee of $61.70 will be added to your invoice for each participant enrolled that has not registered for a program during the 2024-25 skating season.
Please note that if our system detects more than 24 hours of inactivity in your browser, your registration spots will no longer be reserved and you will need to begin again.
Having difficulty finding a program? Use the side menu options to filter the displayed programs. Type in FALL in the Quick Search spot to locate upcoming fall sessions.